Aku blum tido..
em..aku terbuka fs dia tadi.
n aku lhat...nani berada di top fren nyeeeeeeeeee...
*lupakan dia fatin!!! dia tak ingt ko pon!!!!!
haa.. minat sumone ekk.. cayokkk2! ^___^
siapa dia?
wahh..kita serupa..
mai pun top fren haziman dalam frenster dia
sabar ek faten~
bukan minat la..ex la.waaaa...
biela...lor..inchik paiq tu ler..
tau xpe!!! isy2....
gurlz.,.ya2..~ +___+
ye, fatin lupakn die..wpn sket p die dh lukakn kau..huhu....(ayat 1st tu nk meyokong ayat last ko..hehe)
papepn,kuatkn hati ekk klo nk lupakn die tu..if can dont ever bkak pape pn psal die...
forget his name, forget his face..
forget his kiss and his warm embrace..
forget the love that u once knew..
remember he has sumone new..
forget him when the played ur song..
remember when u cried all nite long..
forget how close u once were..
remember he has chosen her..
forget how u memorized his walk..
forget the way he used to talk..
forget the things he used to say..
remember he has gone away..
forget his laugh..forget his grin..
forget the dimple on his chin..
forget the way he held u tight..
remember he's with her tonite..
forget the time that went so fast..
forget the love that moved, its past...
forget he said he'd leave u never..
remember he has gone forever..
this is a poem my fren gave me when i was grieving about my ex cheated on me..
i cried my heart out when i 1st read it coz it is as if this poem wad made for me n my story..ahaks..
but when i read it over n over again to remind myself over n over again, lama2 jd lali..sbb bnde btol..
so i hope, poem ni tlg ko, cmne die tlg aku..
move on babe..kalau tak dpt apa yg kita syg n nk, tu maksudnye Tuhan syg kt kite..
Dia tau apa yg terbaik..
wa..poem yg best..aku suka2.,
lupa kngn bsama n ingt apa yg dah dia wat kat kite.
thanx bal..
syg ko...
smg aku setabah ko..=)
seb baek balqis da post dulu... baru nk ceramah pnjg.. hehehe =p
puisi balqis itu best
xnk dgr ceramah dr kamoo..=p
biela..tau xpe..best sgt aku rasa..
fatin..ape kate kau jgn ckp2 name dier..kau pnh kate nk lupekan die..tpi ape kau buat now mcm kau susah sgt nk lepas kan dier...lepaskan dier fatin...
dier sgt mnyusahkan kau!!
para.. jom kite clorox otak n hati fatin nieh bg xde lgsg kesan kotoran yg degil dari **** (maap terpaksa dicensored..haha) aiyo~
manyak degil la ini org...
cik para,,ya2,,xnk sbut agi....~ aku dah xnk bukak fs dia..xnk!! waaa..
ko ni mmg kejam la apiq oi...hahah...
ya2..dah xdgil nih...
ko nak aku tolong ko format memory ko kat die tak?
err..die tu sapa dee?? haha..
bleh2..kasi cuci smpi bersih..=p
setting otak..
dah2..dah setting....=)
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