
Thursday, October 28, 2010


gambar aku dan lynna. ni gambar lama sebenarnya. 1st date kitorang~ hee.. kat queensbay. baru tadi aku dapat pic ni! haha. aku rindu dia sgt~ bila la agaknya kitorg dapat jumpa lagi.. nak makan pizza sama2, jalan2 queensbay, lepak tepi pantai, bergurau senda. oh lynna, sumpah aku rindu!

ini anis nabila. aku tak pernah jumpa dia~ tapi bagi aku, dia kawan yang terbaik penah aku jumpa. aku sedih, aku gembira, apa jua masalah, dia 1st orang yang aku cari~ tak kira la pasal sapa2 pun. dia selalu nasihatkan aku. macam2. thanx syg~ aku bahagia kenal kau.. aku harap satu hari nanti aku kau dan lynna akan berjumpa.. :)

poem utk korang~

A Best Friend!
A friend that really cares!
All my secrets i can share!
There when i need a hand!
There to understand!

When i cry!
She will be by!
If i am away!
She will call me day by day!
If i need her at all!
She'll be there to stand tall!
Anything i say will be heard!
She will listen word by word!
If I am late!
She will open the gate!

As she looks in my eyes!
The sparkle she realize!
She is the one that cares!
And the one thats there!

That's a best Friend!!

sapa kata kalau ada boyfriend mesti kawan2 tersayang terabai??

friend forever. :)


  1. good to have a good friends. i loiiikee too :)

  2. fatin. salam singgah. jln2 kt blog skali eh eh tjumpe blog kamo. tak tau ingat sy lagi tak tp sy ingat kamo. hehe.. :)

  3. hee.. sy tak ingat la awk.. awk dlu2 guna link blog ni gak ke atau guna link blog lain?

  4. haha. dlu kte jmpe kt fs bkn kt blog. sy pon baru sgt lg berblog2 ni. dlu name sy cik tipah. hahaha..

  5. sy dah kenal awkkk!! cik tipah.. budak karen. hahah kenal2!! add la fb sy, noor fatin othman.. leh kawan2 balik..heee


Please smile. It's sadaqah and people will feel easy with you. Please. Smiling is a manner.

And whatever you do of good deeds, truly, Allah knows it well

Everybody, thankyou, for everything, every single small thing. May Allah bless all of you, all of us.